A few years ago, I heard of a survey regarding older child adoption that an author by the name of Carol Peacock was doing. She was looking for information about these topics because she was embarking on a new book project and was doing her research to prepare for writing it. We began corresponding by e-mail, and later once by phone, as she continued to ask questions regarding my experiences of adopting 2 older children. I knew that I will probably never write a book on this topic myself, so it was interesting to help to promote adoption in this way, by helping an author. After Carol finished her manuscript of this book Red Thread Sisters, I had the great honor of being allowed to read and edit her manuscript.
The time has finally come when the book is finished and for sale. I wanted to write this blog today to tell you all about this book. This book will be especially interesting to children adopted from China and their parents as it talks about a young girl who was adopted at an older age and her desire to see her friend from her orphanage have the same opportunity before aging out. (The ironic thing was that after I helped Carol with her research adopting an older child, my husband and I ended up adopting again...this time a child who would soon age out!) Red Thread Sisters is a chapter book for kids, but would still be enjoyed if the child in elementary school doesn't read yet and could listen to it being read out loud. Please check it out and feel free to let me know what you think of it once you have read the book...please also forward this blog to anyone who you know who might be interested in this! Carol wrote in the acknowledgements that a portion of the proceeds will be given to Love Without Boundaries.
Below is the information on Carol's website where you can access more information on the book itself and how to obtain it. It would be the perfect gift for Christmas for people you may know that have an interest in adoption or just for older kids who love to read! (By the way her book : Mommy Near, Mommy Far is also a wonderful book, exploring for a younger child with pictures and story, the concept of having two mommies...one who currently cares for him or her, and one in China. )
Red Thread Sisters (Viking/Penguin)
Author: Carol Antoinette Peacock
Website: www.carolpeacock.com
Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/CarolAntoinettePeacock?ref=hl
a moving and engaging experience for readers.
A fine addition to both the coming-of-age genre and books sensitively
dealing with cross-cultural adoption. (Fiction. 9-14)” Kirkus Reviews
paced…heartwarming and joyous.”-School Library Journal
“This…intimate novel focuses on
Wen’s difficult emotional journey…Wen’s selflessness and determination are
poignant but not overly sentimental and the story’s truths about children in
need are sensitively expressed…..” Publishers