Darrell's birthday was on April 11. That was the day we got home from Leavenworth. He decided to go fishing, so when we got home, he wasn't here. Therefore, we decided to celebrate it the next day. He got his traditional Hershey Bar cake, which I make specially for him once a year. It was something his mom made and he really likes it. It was our first family member's birthday to celebrate since we got back from China with Gracie. Happy Birthday, Bishop Dad (What Christy sometimes calls him!)
Last night, we went to Christy's piano recital. She had to introduce herself and play a piece. Gracie is also learning piano, but we didn't make her do it yet. Carrie was supposed to go, too, but yesterday morning she came home sick from school. I took her in since my kids are susceptible to strep and sure enough, she had it.